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FeelBetter מצטרפת לשוק של Lightbeam כדי להניע טיפול מבוסס ערך, ולהגדיל את הגישה לפתרונות המשפרים באופן יזום את ניהול התרופות בקרב מטופלים קשישים

FeelBetter מצטרפת לשוק של Lightbeam כדי להניע טיפול מבוסס ערך, ולהגדיל את הגישה לפתרונות המשפרים באופן יזום את ניהול התרופות בקרב מטופלים קשישיםFeelBetter, המובילה בתחום הבינה הפרמקו-קלינית המייעלת טיפול מבוסס ערך, הכריזה היום על שותפות עם Lightbeam Health Solutions, המובילה בפתרונות ושירותים לניהול בריאות האוכלוסייה ההופכים תובנות לתוצאות, כדי להפחית את הסיכונים והעלויות של ריבוי תרופות בחולים מעל גיל 65.FeelBetter Joins Lightbeam’s Marketplace to Drive Value-Based Care, Increasing Access to Solutions That Proactively Improve Medication Management Among Senior PatientsLightbeam’s Population Health Platform Integrates FeelBetter’s Pharmaco-Clinical Intelligence Solution to Reduce Risks and Costs Associated with PolypharmacyTEL AVIV, 6 September 2022, (BUSINESS WIRE):FeelBetter, the leader in pharmaco-clinical intelligence that optimizes value-based care, today announced a partnership with Lightbeam Health Solutions, the leader in population health management solutions and services that transform insights into outcomes, to reduce the risks and costs of polypharmacy in patients over the age of 65.Polypharmacy, the simultaneous use of multiple medications to treat diseases and other health conditions, can contribute to medication non-adherence, drug interactions, increased adverse events, and poor health outcomes, particularly in senior patients with several chronic conditions. In the United States alone, suboptimal medication management results in 275,000 deaths and more than $528 billion in avoidable costs every year1. To proactively combat these public health risks and reduce associated costs while improving the quality of patient care, FeelBetter and Lightbeam are integrating their solutions to optimize medication management at scale.“Lightbeam provides data-driven insights to help clients increase quality and efficiency, and extend their reach across the full spectrum of population health management,” said Dr. Kent Locklear, Chief Medical Officer of Lightbeam Health Solutions. “Successful medication management plays a significant role in moving the needle on both quality and cost, and FeelBetter has demonstrated it can deliver on both fronts. We’re thrilled to add FeelBetter’s pharmaco-clinical intelligence technology to the Lightbeam Marketplace.”Lightbeam provides population health solutions and services for ACOs, payers, health plans, provider groups, and health systems, enabling them to close care gaps, minimize risks, and improve quality of care and quality of life for over 42 million patient lives across the United States. FeelBetter’s SaaS solution – which accurately identifies patients with the highest risk of deterioration, hospitalization, and incurring financial costs due to suboptimal polypharmacy – will be available via the Lightbeam Marketplace, enriching existing claims, clinical, and patient data within the Lightbeam platform. Access to FeelBetter’s solution will also provide Lightbeam’s clients with the capabilities to identify the need for potential clinical interventions and personalize medication regimens for patients.Liat Primor, FeelBetter’s CEO and Co-Founder added: “We’re excited to collaborate with Lightbeam and leverage their platform’s reach to arm healthcare organizations with actionable insights to help ensure that the medicines patients are prescribed are safe and effective, while providing a tool to significantly reduce rising healthcare costs.”About Lightbeam Health SolutionsLightbeam Health Solutions delivers a proven model for managing patient populations and associated risk. Lightbeam’s vision is to bring health data into the light through the use of analytics, and to provide the insight and capabilities healthcare clients need to ensure patients receive the right care at the right time. Lightbeam facilitates population health management for ACOs, payers, provider groups, health systems, and other healthcare organizations aspiring to provide superior care at a lower cost. For more information, visit www.lightbeamhealth.com, and follow Lightbeam on LinkedIn and Twitter.About FeelBetterFeelBetter is the leader in pharmaco-clinical intelligence that drives value-based care, providing the capabilities to optimize medication management throughout the continuum of care. Founded by an interdisciplinary team of clinicians, technologists, and healthcare industry veterans, FeelBetter empowers providers with actionable insights to help ensure that the medicines they prescribe are safe and effective. The Company’s SaaS solution synthesizes and analyzes healthcare data from multiple sources to predict which patients over the age of 65 – with multiple chronic conditions and complex medication regimens – have the highest risk of deterioration, hospitalization and incurring financial costs from suboptimal polypharmacy. Powered by AI and machine learning capabilities, FeelBetter’s technology can also be leveraged to identify the need for potential clinical interventions and personalize medication regimens.Headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel, FeelBetter's investors include FirstTime Ventures, GoodCompany Ventures, Random Forest VC and Triventures ARC. To learn more about FeelBetter, visit: feelbetter.healthcare.1 Watanabe, J. H., Mclnnis, T., & Hirsch, J. D. (2018). Cost of Prescription Drug-Related Morbidity and Mortality. The Annals of pharmacotherapy, 52(9), 829-837. https://doi.org/10.1177/1060028018765159ContactsMedia: Nicole Pariser FeelBetter E: nicole@i-feelbetter.com Jacob Gnieski Red Havas Health E: jacob.gnieski@redhavas.com Amanda Hunt Lightbeam Health Solutions E: media@lightbeamhealth.comSource: FeelBetterתוכן הודעה זו בשפת המקור, הוא הגרסה הרשמית והמהימנה היחידה של מסמך זה. התרגומים הם למטרות נוחות בלבד ויש להצליבם עם המסמך בשפת המקור, שהוא הגרסה היחידה של טקסט זה שהוא בעל תוקף משפטי.*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית Business Wire

תגיות המאמר: ביזנס וייר, נוי תקשורת

אודות כותב המאמר:

חיים נוי, עיתונאי, עורך ראשי סוכנות החדשות הבינ"ל IPA, עורך ראשי לשעבר סוכנות הידיעות עתים, חבר תא מבקרי התיאטרון באגודת העיתונאים.


מאמרים נוספים מאת חיים נוי

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אירוע הפתיחה בהשתתפות הילרי רודהם קלינטון, ג'יסו ניה, שיידה סולימאני, שירין נשאט עם הופעה מיוחדת של ג'ון בטיסט

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רוזן, יועץ למשקיעים גלובלי, מעודד את המשקיעים ב- FIGS, Inc. שצברו עודף הפסדים, להבטיח ייעוץ לפני תאריך יעד חשוב בתביעה ייצוגית בניירות ערך – FIGS

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